Mementoes of my last syllabi in Fall of 2006 to the Spring of 2007, after 36 years of teaching at Loras College (and 52 years of all teaching!)

In my final semester at Loras, I taught an old favorite, Advanced Critical Writing: Fiction. I kept this syllabus on a sub link for English 111. My other and newly-created last class centered around an all-time favorite genre of the gothic the grotesque titled Southern Discomfort. And for a last wonderful time, I clustered one section (Search for Identity) with Dr. Dunn who taught "Introduction to Personality." Among other great Southern texts, we read Poe's poems and short stories; "Sapphira and the Slave Girl" by Willa Cather; "A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams; "Wise Blood" by Flannery O'Connor; "The Ballad of the Sad Café" by Carson McCullers, "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner, and more! The syllabus can also be accessed from the sub slink for 264 and 395.

For a new wrinkle, each of those classes culminated in orignal stories or plays written by students in imitation of their chosen author for in-depth research. Voiced papers have long been a staple of my literature courses. Unfortunately, many of the former links have been removed. Many voiced papers have been featured in our Delta Epsilon Sigma chapter journal Alpha, perhaps still available in the Loras library.

English 264: Search for Identity: Southern Discomfort

English 111: Advanced Critical Writing: Fiction

English 395: Southern Discomfort