Business Statistics Spring 2020

PROFESSOR:        Dale Lehman 
OFFICE PHONE:    588-7725
OFFICE HOURS:    Tues. 10AM - 2PM, Wed. 1PM-4PM, Thurs. 10AM - 2PM

Grading:    Homework 60%
        Group Case 20%
        Final Exam  20%
My standards for grading are:
A    demonstrate a command of the tools
B    control of the tools, but too many omissions or errors for it to be command
C    effort is clear, but the tools are controlling you rather than the reverse
D    effort is not clear
F    you have convinced me that you did not really try

Textbook:    OpenIntro Statistics, by D.M. Diez, M. Cetinkaya-Rundel, and C.D. Barr, 4th Edition

Course Objective:

To learn how to find relevant and interesting information from data in ways that improve business decision making.

Brief Outline (complete outline on eLearn)

Describing data – graphics and summary statistics
Probability Distributions
The Basics of Inference – sampling, confidence intervals, and hypothesis tests
Linear Regression Models
Logistic Regression
Multivariate Models